Alexander Terziyski

Meet Alekzandar, SRE Team Lead @ ITGix with a passion for all things Linux, on-premise, Kubernetes, automation, and configuration management. With years of experience in the field, he has become a sought-after expert in the IT industry.
Alekzandar is is known for his dedication to sharing knowledge with his team and the community. He thrives on helping others learn and grow in their careers, and that’s why he enjoys writing blogs and sharing his insights and experience with the wider IT community.
Outside of work, Alekzandar is an avid sports player and continuously seeks new opportunities to learn and expand his skill set. He believes that the key to success in the industry is a commitment to continuous learning and a willingness to adapt to new technologies and trends.
Reading time: 7 mins.
Few words about the project  ITGix is proud to partner up with StorPool Storage to deliver a project of a live on-premise Kubernetes cluster using StorPool software as persistent storage. The project...
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